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Projects Overview


Analogue electronics symbols

This menu (and the pages below it) provide an overview of the technology projects the design expertise that makes up Templetronics has been involved with, and how we have provided effective fit for purpose design solutions for our previous Clients.

DSP Impulse response

This business has built an extensive project, system and design portfolio exposure with multiple clients, across diverse technologies and system applications. The web pages that follow detail much of our Engineering input.

You can either access the projects pages under
Projects > Project Overviews in the menu, clicking the images on the page, or using the following links.

As many modern hi-tech projects are multi-disciplinary, you will find references of the same project under different pages to highlight our contribution to the various technology disciplines.

Analogue Projects

Control Systems Projects

Digital (ASIC, FPGA, SoC) Projects

DSP Projects

Embedded Projects

High Speed Digital, Signal Integrity and EMC Projects

Mixed Signal Projects

Please refer to our Testimonials page also to see what some of our previous Clients have had to say about out input to their projects.

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Control Systems step response
Embedded system components
Digital ASIC
High Speed Digital densely routed PCB
Mixed Signal Technology analogue and digital components
Oscilloscope digital waveform and noise waveforms

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